If I had to define myself I would use the following words:
Team spirit oriented
Enjoying working with other people, the vibe of working in a team is something that I enjoy and find very fascinating.
Able to put myself in someone else's shoes, always trying to understand that person to see how I can help them, or even how to share ideas.
Able to adapt to whatever the needs and situation, being flexible and able to quickly prvoide solutions, or think about how can we fix this? or How can we make this better?
Communication is key, I'm that guy that is always talking about an idea, or Hey, have you seen this article about the new features of web 3? not afraid to speak out my mind.
Problem-solving minded, use of SWOT analysis, descontructing the problem by chunks to fully understand where the issue is and thus how to resolve it.
Open minded
Always keen to listen to what others have to say, you can always learn from someone's point of view, they might even point out something you could've missed.
Always taking the right amount of time, not rushing things or doing it in fast but dirty way.
Often trying to facilitate the process of creating/updating something, despite its complexity.
If you want to contact me, feel free to reach me out via Linkedin or via email via the button below!